Monday, July 6, 2015

Giant Four-Square

Have you ever played Giant Four Square? 

It's like a regular Four Square game, only bigger! Our Outdoor Adventure campers gave it a try. 

Here's how you play:
Split the gym into four quadrants and mark the boundaries. 
Use a giant ball. 
Normal four-square rules apply, with the following additions: 
  • Players can bounce the ball off any of the walls.  
  • The ball can touch the floor only once in a square before being passed to another square. 
  • The ball cannot be returned to the same square that it came from.
  • Numerous players can be in each square. 
This game requires teamwork and cooperation. 

Check it out!


  1. 4-square was always my favorite game as a kid, but giant 4-square looks even better!

    1. Mr. Rand, it is a lot of fun, especially on a rainy day! It gives your upper body a workout, too!
